A Homeschool Enrichment Program in Oconee County, GA
Grade Range: 2nd-3rd
Instructor Name: Suzanne McDaniel
Contact Information: sue0626@gmail.com
Class Description: Let’s use and grow our math skills with number sense, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, measurement, geometry, and problem solving to become math masters.
Monthly Tuition: $30
Supply Fee: $30
Homework Required? No
Required Text: none
Grade Range: 3rd-6th
Instructor Name: Kristin Langley
Contact Information: kmlangley46@gmail.com
Class Description: Let’s PLAY while we master key upper elementary math skills, with an emphasis on multiplication and division tables, fractions, money, and time. We will play games every week and work on speed and retention of facts to earn reward party days! This class does not replace a full math curriculum, but supplements 3rd - 6th graders on the most important math foundations.
Monthly Tuition: $35
Supply Fee: $35
Homework Required? Sometimes for extra practice, but not required.
Required Text: none