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Grade Range: Pre K4-1st   (*Must be potty trained)

Instructor Name: Suzanne McDaniel

Contact Information:

Class Description: Let’s explore the alphabet together while we share our favorite things. We will cover a letter each week and students will share an item of their choice that highlights our letter. We will play games and craft using our letter of the week while we make new friends.

Monthly Tuition: $30

Supply Fee: $30

Homework Required: None

Required Text: None





Grade Range: K-2

Instructor Name: Ashlee Sikes

Contact Information:

Class Description: This will be an intro level course with games, activities, & lessons to help young students begin to fall in love with writing. This is a 2-term class, and supply fee covers everything for entire academic year.

Monthly Tuition: $30

Supply Fee: $50 for the entire year

Homework Required: Yes

Required Text: Provided by your supply fee.





Grade Range: Advanced 3rd-5th

Instructor Name: Ashlee Sikes

Contact Information:

Class Description: This course is intended to prepare your child BEFORE they fully enter a rigorous IEW curriculum. Students will be introduced to all components of IEW and beginning composition. This is a 2-term course and supply fee is for both terms.

Monthly Tuition: $30

Supply Fee: $60 for the entire year

Homework Required: Yes

Required Text: Provided by your supply fee.





Grade Range: 5th-7th 

Instructor Name: Ashlee Sikes

Contact Information:

Class Description: We will thoroughly examine I.E.W. terminology & methods to grow students as writers. This is a wonderful place to start if your child has limited writing experience. This is a 2-term course and your supply fee covers everything for both terms.

Monthly Tuition: $30

Supply Fee: $60 for the entire year

Homework Required: Yes

Required Text: Provided by your supply fee.





Grade Range: 6th-9th 

Instructor Name: Ashlee Sikes

Contact Information:

Class Description: Students will gain knowledge of grammar rules with applications to writing. Students begin by focusing on grammar rules & writing shorter paragraphs and will end the year fluent in composing 5 paragraph essays. This is a year-long course, and supply fee

Monthly Tuition: $40

Supply Fee: $70 for the entire year

Homework Required: Yes

Required Text: Provided by your supply fee.





Grade Range: 8th-10th

Instructor Name: Ashlee Sikes

Contact Information:

Class Description: This is intended to pair with an at-home high school lit component selected by the parent and done at home for the complete lit and comp credit. Students will gain deeper grammar and application skills in composing high school level essays across genres.

Monthly Tuition: $40

Supply Fee: $70 for the entire year

Homework Required: Yes

Required Text: Provided by your supply fee.




Grade Range: Pre K- 2nd

Instructor Name: Liz Frye

Contact Information:

Class Description: We will read a variety of quality children's literature and use those stories to create, imagine and expand our thinking. We will also study famous authors and illustrators. Activities, crafts, games and music will be intertwined to enhance the literature we encounter each week.

Monthly Tuition: $30

Supply Fee: $30

Homework Required: No

Required Text: None








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