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1. Please read through our handbook to understand expectations for parents and students.


2. New families will be asked to visit campus for tour or schedule a phone interview in the summertime.  Please complete the "Contact Us" form and we will set up an appointment.


3. Returning families in good standing with GHC (and formerly Summit Academy) will be sent an application link via email. 

*New families will receive an email following the tour/interview.  Please tell us about your child(ren) in this document so that we can best serve your family. 

Application Fee: $10 per student


4.  Following review of your application, a registration link will be sent via email within 3-5 business days.  Registration fees are per family.  

Registration Fees: $75 early registration before March 31st.

                             $100 after April 1st

                             $150 July 1st-October 31st

**Insurance fees are paid per student, once a year and are due upon registering. $20 per student


Elementary classes are FULL for FALL 2024.

BUT, We still have openings for middle and high school classes.  Contact us to apply.


Spring applications will  be  accepted  Nov. 1-15th.    


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